
Olvidados, Perdidos, Despojados, Guardados

Relatos,  Photographic Series, 2015


"Relatos" is an artistic project that evokes introspection and transformation through captivating narratives, exploring our shared humanity. This project seeks to evoke introspection and awaken contemplation, emerging as a testament to the transformative power of art.

"Relatos" serves as a meeting point for various stories that converge on a common theme: the complex relationship between individuals and their own memories. It delves into the dialogue between the imprint and the environment, aiming to reconstruct the fragments that shape memory through fictional resources.


All of this unfolds within a context where signifiers are determined by social fabric and individual perception. "Relatos" presents meticulously crafted artistic interventions that act as catalysts for introspection and reflection. These artistic creations function as bridges, inviting the viewer to embark on a personal and evocative journey through the vast landscapes of memory. Each narrative, expertly intertwined, weaves a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and connections, ultimately showcasing the singularity of human existence.


Furthermore, "Relatos" unfolds within the rich fabric of a social environment, where signifiers and cultural codes intertwine to create a deep and multifaceted visual language. It emphasizes the essence of individual appreciation, inviting the viewer to embrace the nuances and subjective interpretations of these narratives, fostering an atmosphere of introspection and collective dialogue.


A work that seeks to evoke introspection and awaken contemplation, "Relatos" emerges as a testament to the transformative power of art. Through an orchestration of narratives and its profound engagement with memory and the environment, this project offers a captivating exploration of our shared humanity, leaving an indelible impression on all those who immerse themselves in this extraordinary artistic endeavor.




Exhibition in

Exposición en la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, 2015




Sandra Aicart

